Written Work with Feedback Student: 

Example of Student Menu 

Adrian Irish_CUL 210 Garde Manger Menu_WI2017.docx

Create a Buffet Menu for 200 People from the Cold Kitchen (Garde Manger)

The menu must include: (a) 2-appetizers and/or 2-hors d’oeuvres, (b) 1-soup, (c) 2-salads, and (d) 4 entrees, that include cured and smoked meats, terrines, pates, galantines, sausages, and/or roulades. Add the appropriate sauces, condiments, crackers, cheeses, and/or pickles to your menu. A menu template will be distributed to aid you through the menu design process.

0-10 Points

0-10 Points

0-10 Points

Points Possible 30

Concept and Theme

Menu Design and Creativity

Menu Compatibility


Menu is centered on a particular meal period, special occasion, holiday, or ethnic presentation.
Menu was designed with theme and concept in mind. Student put much thought and time into project.
Menu items complement each other, by providing a variety of flavors, taste, color, and texture.

Adrian, your menu reflects a variety of garde manger items that introduces a multiple flavors, texture and taste and color.




Overall Score 30 

Chapter 1 Assignment

Student: Assignment

  1. Guilds developed training systems for their members; the three stages, in order, were

    ___apprentice ________, __journeyman __________, and __master_________.

  2. Cows, sheep, and other animals were butchered and the meat preserved by a variety of means: brining______, smoking ______, ___salting___, _curing____, __drying___, _____pickeling________, __packing in fat_______.

  3. By the end of the 16th century, there were approximately ___24_______ guilds dedicated specifically to __food_____.

  4. Today’s garde manger must be well-versed in using kitchen equipment such as (name five) ___slicers_______, _blenders_________, ___food processor _______, __grinder________, and __salometer________.

  5. In most operations, the top five time wasters are: (1) _no clear priorities _________, (2) ___poor staff training _______, (3) __poor communication ________, (4) __poor organization ________, (5) ____inadequate tools______.

  6. Name seven items today’s garde manger may be responsible for in a restaurant: ___vinegrettes_______, _cold soup_________, ___sandwiches_______, ____salads______, ____desserts ______, ___dressings_______,

    And _ compound butter_________.

    Written/Short Answer

  7. Explain the evolution of the term garde manger.

    At first it meant a cold storage place then it became a chef that handled the cold work of the kitchen, now days it is a culinary specialization.

  8. What are considered the cardinal virtues of the culinary profession?

    an open and inquiring mind, an appreciation of and dedication to quality wherever it is found, and a sense of responsibility.

Instructor’s Comments: Besides a few missed spelled words, great job on this assignment.

Example of PowerPoint Presentation as Appropriate Technology

Garde Manger Chp 1 PPT.ppt